“Aprils have never meant much to me, autumns seem that season of beginning, spring.” --Truman Capote
Summer is officially over and it’s time to re-engage. Fall is my favorite time of the year. It feels like the time to get back to school, back to work, back to life. I indulge in my nerdy pleasure of seeking out the perfect pens, planners, folders, and other fresh office/school supplies—my gear for a productive year. I invite you to take a deep breath of the crisp autumn air and reengage with what matters to you. Pittsburgh ATD has many opportunities this fall for you to turn over a new leaf!
Board Updates: Develop and share your leadership capacity
We are actively seeking members who would like to serve on the ATD Pittsburgh Board of Directors to:
- Enhance your leadership capabilities in a supportive learning environment
- Build and expand your network within the Talent Development community
- Deepen your understanding of the trends in our industry
Serving on the ATD Pittsburgh Chapter Board provides you with an unparalleled opportunity to contribute to and shape the direction of our chapter. Board leaders participate in monthly board meetings and chapter events, as well as engage member volunteers in strategizing and leading their specific role.
Board leaders are elected to one-year terms and must be a member in good standing of the ATD Pittsburgh Chapter and ATD National for the elected year. ATD Pittsburgh Board Members qualify for additional benefits through ATD National.
ATD Pittsburgh Board Roles
President: Oversees all chapter business and projects.
Vice President, Finance: Oversees chapter finances. Collects membership dues and program revenues, pays expenses, balances the books, prepares and files required financial reports.
Vice President, Programs: Oversees the development and delivery of all programming.
Vice President, Membership: Oversees development of projects to attract and retain members.
Vice President, Communications: Responsible for the communication/brand strategy
Director of Recognition: Develops and manages recognition of members, speakers, and volunteers.
Director of Networking: Plans and coordinates all social and networking events.
Director of Orientation: Works with VP Membership to develop targeted orientation program for new members to engage them in the chapter.
More details about Board Roles
The Succession Committee will be reaching out to individuals, but you don’t have to wait for us to call you! If you are interested in serving on the chapter board in 2023, please reach out to Angela Rogers (amr115@psu.edu) by November 5. An engaged board is necessary for our chapter to continue to thrive.
Board Meeting
The Chapter board meets on the last Tuesday of each month, at 7 p.m. on Zoom. Any chapter member is welcome to attend the board meeting. See the schedule here https://www.tdpittsburgh.org/Chapter-Board-Meetings
Fall Programs and Events
Many of our programs are free for chapter members!
September 22, noon ET: New Member Welcome and Orientation
September 27, 7 pm ET: Chapter Board Meeting
September 28, 6 pm ET: ATD Regional Webinar Series 2022: Session 9 "Personal Branding in the Workplace
October 5, 6 pm ET: Good Leaders Don’t Brag (Do They?) Group Coaching Experience with Christy Uffelman
October 6, noon ET: Virtual Learning Series: Best Practices in Producing Virtual Learning
October 12, 6pm ET: 2022 Executive Education Speaker Series Session 6 "Enhancing the Employee Experience as a Key Driver of Customer Success
October 25, 7 pm ET: Chapter Board Meeting
November 3–4: ATD Chapter Leaders Conference (ALC)
November 9, 6 pm ET: 2022 Executive Education Speaker Series Session 7 "Diversity Workplace Best Practices in 50 Minutes!"
November 10, noon ET: Virtual Learning Series: Podcasting
November 12, ATD Central PA 75th Anniversary Conference in Hershey!
November 29, 7 pm ET: Chapter Board Meeting
December 6–10, Employee Learning Week
September Member Reminder
Have you moved or changed jobs? Take a few moments to review and update your profile on the chapter website. Make sure we have a postal mailing address for you.
Here’s how:
Go to: https://www.tdpittsburgh.org/
Log in (upper right hand corner)
Click on “View Profile” under your name appearing in the upper right hand corner
Review content there or click “Edit profile” button to make changes